Remove Article I, Section N as follows:
- Institutions having an inter-term that occurs between two regular terms may use the inter-term in one of three different ways in determining eligibility for students. The options are as follows:
a. The inter-term shall stand separate. Eligibility shall be determined at the end of the first term, again at the end of the inter-term (if the inter-term falls between the terms), and again at the end of the spring term.
b. The inter-term (if it falls between the two regular terms) is attached to the first term for eligibility purposes. This would, in effect, make the 4-1-4 calendar into a 5-4 calendar in determining eligibility.
c. The inter-term (if it falls between or at the end of two regular terms) is attached to the spring term for eligibility purposes. This would, in effect, make the 4-1-4 or the 4-4-1 calendar into a 4-5 calendar in determining eligibility.
The institution must notify its eligibility chair, in writing, as to which option it chooses. This notification is to be signed by the athletics director, registrar and faculty athletics representative. The written notification must be received by the eligibility chair, prior to September 1 of the academic year. Once decided, the option cannot be changed for the school year.
If an institution uses an inter-term and does not notify its eligibility chair as to which option it selects, the school shall be treated as allowing the inter-term to stand separate as in option a (Article I, Section N, Item 1a of the NAIA Bylaws).
- The inter-term shall be treated as follows in determining eligibility:
a. Hours earned during the inter-term shall be applied toward eligibility. Transfer and continuing students may use credits earned during an inter-term toward eligibility as long as the inter-term course was completed before the start of the NAIA institution’s term per the official academic calendar(s), regardless of the term listed on either institution’s official transcript. The final class date that is stated in the course catalog, course schedule and/or website will be used to determine eligibility.
b. A separate term of attendance shall not be charged for the inter-term.
c. Identification during an inter-term (unlike summer school) does identify the student with the institution provided the student is enrolled for at least three fourths (or two-thirds, if three-fourths is not appropriate) of the normal academic load and either participates in athletics or begins to establish residency. In this instance, the inter-term would not, however, be charged against the allotted 10 semesters of attendance but would count in meeting the institutional credit-hour rules of the NAIA.
NOTE: Two-thirds would be used if the normal inter-term load is divisible by three, otherwise the fraction three-fourths will be used.
d. Should a student previously identified with an institution then attend an inter-term at another institution and return the following term of attendance to the preceding institution, the inter-term shall be treated as a summer session.
Intent: To permit coursework and earned credits to be treated as inter-term coursework as long as the final day of class for the course (as defined by the course catalog, course schedule and/or website) ends prior to the start of the NAIA institution’s next term, regardless of the how the course is reflected on the official transcript.
Effective date: August 1, 2021 for terms occurring August 1, 2021 or beyond
Submitted by: Athletic Compliance Administrators Association
Co-Sponsored by: Sooner Athletic Conference